Month: September 2005
Today, Keith Olbermann of Countdown had a great little editorial piece about the way the Bush administration has handled the unfurling crisis in New Orleans. The full editorial can be viewed here. … But now, at least, it is has stopped getting exponentially worse in Mississippi and Alabama and New Orleans and Louisiana (the state,…
The “Good Old Boy” Network
Loads of news stations are now reporting on the outstanding r{e'}sum{e'} of the current FEMA director, Michael Brown. His r{e'}sum{e'} is outstanding – if you're a fan of Arabian Horses. Seems that prior to joining FEMA, Michael Brown was a commisioner of the International Arabian Horse Association. For nine years. I'd say that makes him…
In life, I've had many titles: Son, Brother, Grandson, Cousin, Nephew, Husband, Graduate, Geek, Network Administrator, Systems Administrator, and most recently IT Auditor. (I'm sure there's other, less mentionable, titles for me out there in the world) I'm pleased to announce, that as of September 2, 2005, at 6:07PM Central Time, I have a new…
Boeing Machinists Going on Strike
So, the Boeing Machinists' Union has voted (overwhelmingly) today to go on strike. This really bothers me for a few reasons; I understand that the concept of a labor union is to bring employers on par with employees at the negotiating table. But honestly, with the thousands upon thousands of people displaced on the Gulf…