Tag: ipod
Amazon Fresh: Delivery #2 (and iFatigue)
We tried Amazon Fresh again today. We’re throwing a fajita party this weekend, and I noticed that Amazon Fresh had really awesome prices on flank steak. I scheduled the order this time for Thursday night between 8:00 and 9:00pm, as opposed to the Saturday morning delivery we had last time. Groceries looked great again. Produce…
iPods and Zunes in School: Banned
There’s been a lot of internal talk at work about the fact that some school districts are taking note and [banning iPods and Zunes](http://www.cnn.com/2007/EDUCATION/04/27/ipod.cheating.ap/index.html?eref=rss_tech) due to concerns about cheating. A co-worker of mine responded to the discussions about this with a brilliant comment: > Funny, I remember in HS when taking tests class the teachers…
Problem with the RIAA and Recording Industry
So I've been following all the Engadget and Gizmodo posts about the rumored Argo and Zune. One of the things that jumped out at me was this Engadget article that talked about the possibility that Microsoft would be allowing people to download whatever music they've purchased in iTunes for free — but that “Microsoft will…
Sharing iTunes Libaries with Multiple Users in Windows XP
Diann & I have both had our iPods for quite some time now, and I've always had it setup where the iTunes libary is stored within my home directory. Kind of irritating, especially when she needed to update her iPod, I'd have to log in as me. I realized today that someone out there must…
Griffin AirClick: How to improve performance?
So, a few weeks ago, I bought a Griffin AirClick for my iPod. Their FAQ indicates that its range is tested at up to 60 feet, but I'm calling shenanigans on that. Mine doesn't work for more than 15 feet at the most, and that's not even going through walls – that's just open space.…
iPod Click Wheel Stops Working
My iPod photo’s click wheel stopped working this afternoon, and I was getting ready to make an appointment at the so-called "Genius Bar" at the local Apple store. A quick search online found the answer to the problem, though, and I figured I’d document it here so more people can find it later: iPod calibrates…
Momentous Occasion: Podcasting
Well, a momentous occasion for me, at least. Listening, for the first time, to a podcast. And you thought I was gonna podcast my blog. Heck no. With the new release of iTunes 4.9 yesterday, pulling podcast subscriptions is simple and handy. My first podcast? Democracy Now! Pretty cool stuff, if you ask me. Especially…
iPod Photo Bug?
I think I've stumbled across a bug in the iPod Photo v1.1 (it may have been in v1.0, but I just found it so I can't confirm). If you're playing a song with associated album artwork, and hit the selector button to view the artwork, and then hit the previous or forward button to move…
iPod photo: Album Artwork Gone!
Well, since updating to iTunes 4.7.1, I've noticed some peculiarities with my iPod photo — particularly, some songs show artwork, and others don't all of a sudden. Updated the iPod to make sure it wasn't something on the iPod, then restorted to a Google search. There it is, first hit: my solution.
Wishful Thinking: TODO List Entry for Steve Jobs
Bluetooth module for iPod. Enough said. Now with my laptop, I've got USB to hookup the iPod, USB mouse, USB to sync my calendar/contacts into my cell phone.. The phone does Bluetooth, a bluetooth mouse would be a cheap addition. If I could just get bluetooth for the iPod, I'd be set. Oh, and for…